Where we are
We stay on track.
We are headquartered in Bremen with a branch office in the city center of Hamburg. Furthermore we are part of a global network of ship owning companies, pier operators, port authorities and other maritime service providers
Headquarter Bremen
Schiffahrtskontor DETRA GmbH & Co. KG
Tiefer 5
28195 Bremen
Phone +49 421 - 30 44 - 0
Fax +49 421 - 30 44 – 242
24 hours available for you
Phone +49 172 42 93 627
Branch office Hamburg
Schiffahrtskontor DETRA GmbH & Co. KG
Banksstraße 4
20097 Hamburg
Phone +49 40 - 32 33 - 360
Fax +49 40 - 32 33 - 3622
24 hours available for you
Phone +49 172 42 93 627